Nu Image Dry Cleaners
Nu Image Dry Cleaners gains faster, more reliable payments with Edenred Pay's Payment Automation Platform.

For over 30 years, Nu Image Dry Cleaners has been servicing some of Southwest Florida’s largest hotel chains and corporations. Before becoming a virtual card accepting vendor, Nu Image Dry Cleaners was spending countless hours chasing down and reconciling payments.
As a second-generation owner, Steve Morauski was interested in a more efficient way to accept payments. “It wasn’t a good business practice to spend valuable time chasing down large account payments; businesses are busy and we understand that, but waiting for someone to sign and send a check just isn’t convenient anymore.”
Steve received a call on behalf of one of his corporate customers. They informed him that they had switched over to a new payment system, Edenred Pay’s Payment Automation Platform. And that the platform offers virtual cards as one type of payment solution.
He was then asked if he would be willing to accept credit card payments to streamline his accounts receivable processes. “At first, I was a little leery, but after my phone conversation with Edenred Pay, it just seemed like a smart business move.”
Steve and his staff no longer spend hours chasing down missing payments, moving overdue accounts into collections, or writing off bad debt.
“We used to spend at least three days every month making phone calls to collect payments. With Edenred Pay’s Payment Automation Platform we receive our payments like clockwork.”
“One of the greatest benefits has been the detailed email remittance.” Every email remittance includes detailed transaction data with invoice numbers to make reconciliation easier. “This new payment system also saves time and money, by not receiving paper checks, we no longer worry about getting deposits to the bank on time—we receive the email notification and then process the payment, no questions asked”.
As for accepting credit card payments, the decision was easy. “We already accepted credit cards from consumers so accepting them from our corporate clients was a breeze. Plus, being an accepting vendor with Edenred Pay is a more practical solution for us. It creates easier reconciliation for everyone involved.” Steve no longer wastes time chasing down lost payments and he receives his payments on time. “There is a cost associated with being an accepting vendor, but the benefits far outweigh the processing fee, especially when you look at the bigger picture.”