Edenred Pay network
Secure, frictionless electronic payments with rebates on qualifying transactions. Frictionless payments? Check! No fees to buyers? Yup! Rebates on qualifying transactions? We’ve got you covered.
Edenred Pay’s Network makes it easier and more cost-effective than ever for businesses to migrate to electronic payments.
Better than ACH
Don’t let supplier resistance to card programs hold back your payments automation efforts.
The Edenred Pay Network is an enhanced ACH program that allows buyers to make automated payments without fees and receive the added value of rebates on qualifying transactions.
Suppliers get funds transferred directly into their bank account and the rich invoice-level transaction details that they need for reconciliation.
Experience fast payments with simple and streamlined bank reconciliation. Improve the business relationship with your suppliers with disbursements in the payment type they prefer. Reduce your business’ processing costs by removing manual and paper-based processes.